Advisor Agreement Seedlegals

Advisor Agreement SeedLegals: Everything You Need to Know

If you are looking to bring on board an advisor to help you grow your startup, it is important to have an advisor agreement in place. An advisor agreement is a legal contract that outlines the responsibilities, expectations, and compensation of the advisor. It is important to have a clear and concise advisor agreement to avoid any confusion or disputes down the line.

SeedLegals is a platform that helps startups with legal documentation, including advisor agreements. Here is everything you need to know about advisor agreement SeedLegals.

What is an Advisor Agreement?

An advisor agreement is a legal contract between a startup and an advisor. The agreement outlines the responsibilities of the advisor, including the scope of their advisory services, the time commitment required, and the duration of the agreement. The agreement also specifies the compensation the advisor will receive, which can include equity, cash, or a combination of both.

Why Do You Need an Advisor Agreement?

An advisor agreement is important for several reasons. Firstly, it clarifies the expectations and responsibilities of both the startup and the advisor. It ensures that both parties are on the same page and reduces the risk of misunderstandings or disagreements.

Secondly, an advisor agreement protects the interests of the startup. It can include provisions that prevent the advisor from taking advantage of confidential information or competing with the startup.

Finally, an advisor agreement helps to establish a formal relationship between the startup and the advisor. It sets the tone for a professional and productive relationship.

How Does SeedLegals Help with Advisor Agreements?

SeedLegals is a legal platform that helps startups with legal documentation, including advisor agreements. The platform offers a streamlined process for creating, signing, and managing legal agreements online.

SeedLegals provides a customizable template for advisor agreements that can be tailored to the specific needs of the startup. The template includes standard provisions that are commonly included in advisor agreements, such as the scope of services, compensation, and confidentiality.

The SeedLegals platform also includes an electronic signature feature, which makes it easy for both the startup and the advisor to sign the agreement online. This eliminates the need for printing, signing, and scanning documents, saving time and hassle.

In addition, SeedLegals provides ongoing management tools to help startups keep track of their legal documents and deadlines. The platform sends reminders when agreements need to be reviewed or renewed, ensuring that startups stay compliant with legal requirements.


An advisor agreement is an essential document for startups that are looking to bring on board an advisor. It helps to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and expectations, and it protects the interests of the startup.

SeedLegals provides startups with a streamlined and efficient process for creating, signing, and managing advisor agreements. With customizable templates and electronic signature features, SeedLegals makes it easy for startups to create legally compliant agreements and stay on top of their legal requirements.