Independent Study Master Agreement California

Independent Study Master Agreement California: What You Need to Know

Independent study is a popular method of education for those who prefer to learn at their own pace, on their own schedule, without the constraints of a traditional classroom setting. In California, the Independent Study Master Agreement (ISMA) is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of this type of education for students, parents, and teachers.

Here are some key points you need to know about the ISMA in California:

What Is an Independent Study Master Agreement?

The ISMA is a legal agreement that sets forth the responsibilities and obligations of all parties involved in independent study education in California. It is a contract between the school district, the student, and the parent or guardian, outlining the expectations, goals, and requirements for independent study.

Who Can Participate in Independent Study?

Any student from Kindergarten through 12th grade who is enrolled in a public or charter school in California may participate in independent study. However, independent study is not for everyone. It requires self-discipline, time management skills, and the ability to work independently. For this reason, schools may require students to meet specific criteria before they can enroll in independent study.

What are the Benefits of Independent Study?

Independent study offers many benefits to students, including:

1. Flexibility: Independent study allows students to work on their own schedule, which can be particularly helpful for students who have other commitments, such as work or family responsibilities.

2. Personalized Learning: With independent study, students can work at their own pace and focus on subjects that interest them, allowing for a more personalized education experience.

3. Independence: Independent study teaches students to take responsibility for their own learning and develop strong self-discipline and time management skills.

What Does the ISMA Cover?

The ISMA covers a variety of topics, including:

1. Educational Objectives: The agreement outlines the educational objectives for the student and the expected outcomes of the independent study program.

2. Curriculum and Materials: The ISMA specifies the curriculum and materials that will be provided to the student for the independent study program.

3. Instruction and Contact: The agreement sets forth the methods of instruction and communication between the student, the parent or guardian, and the teacher.

4. Attendance and Progress: The ISMA outlines the attendance requirements and the methods of tracking and reporting student progress.

5. Grading and Evaluation: The agreement specifies the grading and evaluation methods that will be used to assess student learning.


Independent study can be a great option for students who want a more flexible, personalized education experience. The Independent Study Master Agreement in California is an important document that outlines the terms and expectations for this type of education. Students, parents, and teachers should carefully review and understand the ISMA before enrolling in an independent study program.