Partnership Agreement Dhivehi

Partnership agreements are essential legal documents that outline the terms and conditions of a business partnership. In the Maldives, a partnership agreement is a crucial document that can help avoid conflicts and protect the interests of all parties involved in the partnership. If you are thinking of starting a partnership in the Maldives, it is essential to have a partnership agreement in place.

What is a Partnership Agreement?

A partnership agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a partnership. It serves as a contract between the partners and sets out the rights and responsibilities of each partner, their contributions to the partnership, their share of the profits, and how any disputes will be resolved. In the Maldives, a partnership agreement is essential for any business that involves two or more partners.

Why is a Partnership Agreement important?

A partnership agreement is essential for a number of reasons. Firstly, it sets out the terms and conditions of the partnership and ensures that all parties are clear on their roles and responsibilities. Secondly, it helps to protect the interests of all partners by outlining their rights and obligations. This can be especially important if one partner decides to leave the partnership or if there are disputes between partners.

Thirdly, a partnership agreement can help to prevent disagreements between partners. By setting out the terms of the partnership in advance, both parties are aware of what is expected from them and can avoid misunderstandings. Finally, a partnership agreement can also help to protect the partnership`s assets and intellectual property rights.

What should be included in a Partnership Agreement?

A partnership agreement should include the following:

1. Names of the partners: List the names of all the partners involved in the partnership.

2. Purpose of the partnership: Clearly state the purpose of the partnership and what it aims to achieve.

3. Contributions of each partner: Detail the contributions of each partner to the partnership, including financial investments, expertise, and labor.

4. Profit-sharing: Explain how profits will be shared between partners, including the percentage each partner will receive.

5. Decision-making: Outline how decisions will be made within the partnership, including how votes will be cast and how disputes will be resolved.

6. Termination of the partnership: Detail the circumstances under which the partnership may be terminated and the process for doing so.

7. Liability: Explain the extent of each partner`s liability in the partnership, including any limitations.

8. Confidentiality: Detail any confidentiality agreements that the partners must abide by.

9. Intellectual property: Explain how intellectual property rights will be protected in the partnership.

10. Governing law: Identify the governing law that will apply to the partnership agreement.


In conclusion, a partnership agreement is a vital document that can help to prevent disputes and protect the interests of all parties involved in the partnership. It should be carefully drafted and tailored to the specific needs and objectives of the partnership. Any business considering a partnership in the Maldives should consult with a lawyer experienced in partnership agreements to ensure that they have a comprehensive and effective agreement in place.